Pox Party.

Oh boy.

So I got to work this morning and Kid No. 3 has come down with another illness and Kid No. 2’s spots have spread. I made an appointment at the doctors.
She says it’s the chicken pox. Ideally she wants me to remove Miss L from my work environment for 21 days. Chicken pox for bubbas under 12 months is not good. She’s already been exposed though. I think the harm is already done.
I pick up Kid No. 4 from school and all she can say from the back seat of the car is ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY!
Yep. She has the pox too.
I call Kid No. 1 and tell her the prognosis which then prompts hysteria.
She doesn’t want it and wants everyone out of the house.
Umm… No.
So that is it. My employer is recovering from a stroke and has never had the pox before. I am hoping/wishing/praying that he doesn’t get it, and that Lacey misses out too.
I can see the next few weeks being far from fun. Hubby has taken 3 days off to help me out by taking Lacey. It’s hard though because I don’t want to sacrifice my milk supply by not being with her.
I am going to get this tattooed on me when this is all over.

Sorry I’m all over the shop. I’m so tired and mentally exhausted. x

6 thoughts on “Pox Party.”

  1. telle, I remember this all so well when I was pregnant. I was a ball of nerves. It was worse for oliver then as he wasn’t even born but luckily he didn’t get it. I had a friend whose baby got them at just before 12 months and they were fine. the good thing as well is your still breast feeding so lacey hopefully will be able to fight it. i hope she doesn’t get them though, wish i was near you to help out.

  2. I survived the chicken pox, oh gosh that was so long ago but I still rememeber, it was not easy and the kids were miserable. So I do understand. Stand strong this too shall pass. Hey, welcome to Healthy You Challenge. I am wishing you the best.

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