Now Is The Time.


y sister got the best book for Christmas. I keep going to read it, and then put it down having decided that I want to buy my own copy. Lucky for me, my Big Sis just left for Rio and her book is still here in Australia. What a happy accident.

The book is called Now Is The Time, by Patrick Lindsay. It’s all about seizing the moment. So I am going to seize this very moment and share a little bit with you.

have a go!
Australians have a saying: Have a go!
It means stop hesitating and make a determined effort.
Too often we are hamstrung by fear of failure.
Or we hold back, waiting for the perfect moment.
Sometimes, we should just give it our best shot.
You’ll be proud of your decisiveness.
Others will admire your courage.

9 thoughts on “Now Is The Time.”

  1. Well I adore that phrase!
    And I did “Have a go”…this afternoon when I worked this “tire” out around my tummy as a result of my holiday affair with all kinds of goodies!

  2. I have just re-surfaced after a long break from blogland and checked in to see what one of my few fave blogs had to say… and VOILA! It just so happened that your post delivered exactly what I needed to hear at this point in time! Thanks ;o) xx

  3. And I've added that to my wishlist! I think someone is trying to tell me something but this is the third time in two days I've had this same kind of message. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. @Shazzy: Ha ha ha. It's actually a picture of me. 😛 Not.

    @Mad Woman: It's seriously the most lovely book ever.

    @Teresa: Go girl! Good on you for having a go.

    @Jane: Doesn't she? Very perky and perfect.

    @Jess: I'm so happy that it delivered!

    @Nem: I love when that happens. xx

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