My Body Is A Glorious Place To Live.

Further to my grateful post earlier today is a little mantra that Louise Hay has in her book. I can’t remember which one. I have it written in my diary to refer to when I need to, which is a lot. I love her positive affirmations. They really hit a spot with me.

She says that we should stand in front of the mirror and say this to our selves, focusing on our bodies.

My body is a glorious place to live. I rejoice that I have chosen this particular body because it is perfect for me in this lifetime. It is the perfect size, shape and colour. It serves me so well. I marvel at the miracle that is my body. I choose the healing thoughts that create and maintain my healthy body and make me feel good. I love and appreciate my beautiful body.

Speak to yourself a little kinder today. You deserve it. xx

2 thoughts on “My Body Is A Glorious Place To Live.”

  1. I love reading your blog because you have so much insight – this is a great reminder! Especially when some of us spend so much time beating ourselves up and telling ourselves what is wrong with our body, and forget to recognize how amazing it is!

    Thanks for the reminder! Have a great weekend!

    Jen, a priorfatgirl

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