Letter to Lacey: Sixteen Months.

Happy 16 months my little girl. You’ve grown so much in this past month. You’ve gotten taller. Your legs have grown especially. Your hair is {finally} getting thicker and longer. You smile all the time. You’re sleeping better. We’re just so proud of you.

You’re so much fun to be around. You have us laughing all the time… and you know what makes us laugh… and will entertain us for hours on end.

You love to be outside. Playing. Walking. Talking. Exploring. You’re everyone’s friend. You wave and blow kisses. Making friends where ever you go.

I love your cuddles. Especially in the morning. When you wake up happy… it just lights up my life. You open your little eyes, catch a glimpse of us and in that moment I can see that you’re the happiest little girl in the world. You’ll then leap over for cuddles and kisses.

I love you Miss Lacey. Every moment. Every day. xx

9 thoughts on “Letter to Lacey: Sixteen Months.”

  1. Just gorgeous and perfect song to go with it- I think its the new Ben Harper? Love the symbolism at the end of it with your hubby & Lacey “holding hands”. Very special!

  2. Thanks Sis.

    Simone – It seriously takes me 5 minutes. Too easy for words. I don't even think about it. 🙂

    Liv – Yep. She's a mini Shane, with my eyes.

    Brittany – Thank you. So much! x

    RedDeer – Thanks. The swing part actually makes me feel a little queasy. I forgot how to shorten it!

    Hayley – It's Jack Johnson and Ben Harper. It's from the Curious George soundtrack. x

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