Ikea’s Little Helper.

A couple of weeks ago when I was putting together some Ikea furniture Lacey decided to help me. I was trying to screw some things in and she came in and sat in here like this… by herself. Of course she couldn’t get out herself… but she didn’t really want to. She wanted to sit in there like that for as long as possible. She’s like that with everything. If I’m on my laptop, she wants to sit on it, even stand on it. If I’m reading a magazine, she’ll climb onto it and stand on it.

She’s my little shadow really. xx

5 thoughts on “Ikea’s Little Helper.”

  1. LMM – Her with a hammer would have been VERY interesting. Thankfully there was no hammering required, otherwise I'm sure that would have been the case.

    Emily – They're cute aren't they? I'm a sucker for anything polka dotted. x

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