10 thoughts on “I Ask You.”

  1. I am pleased to report that I completely went out of my comfort zone and did a personal training session at the gym this morning…have been very lazy on the exercise front lately (unless bending one's elbow to pop food in the mouth counts!) Hoping I can walk tomorrow!

  2. Cycle class at 6.45am – feeling a little weary this afternoon but it was worth it 🙂

    Got drinks and canapes tonight for a work function so won't feel so guilty about it 🙂

  3. It feels like i've been commenting on every one of your posts recently. I'm not stalking you, I swear!

    Today I went for a 4km run that turned into more of a 2km run followed by a 2km brisk walk.

  4. wow you and your partner have had great weight loss!! congratulations! the story about the car park is too cute!
    since we started, i have stuck to my 5km x 3 times a week minimum!
    i dont know if i have lost weight because i still haven't weighed myself. it was more of a “feel better” thing.
    i also did my first “pump” class at a gym last week. which was terrifying but so rewarding!

    last night i went for a 45 minute walk. not sure what exercise we will do tonight.
    perhaps do some weights to tone my arms up a bit.

  5. congrats on the weight loss thats fantastic!

    I did my usual 30min walk to the shops, treated myself to a strawberry frappe too for all my hard work, hahaha 🙂

  6. I've never commented on one of the exercise posts because you always seem to do them on a day when I don't get around to doing any! I do exercise most days, I swear!

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