Hello You. And You.


ello you.

There are a few things I learnt whilst having my week off from the land of the blogs. Some of which are:

♥ It is lovely to miss, and be missed {thanks for the emails}.

♥ Lacey is capable of unscrewing nail polish bottles. And that’s hard to clean up.

♥ I love daylight savings. We have been spending the early evenings at the beach or park and wearing our little girl out. It means better sleeping for all and lovely family time.

♥ Walking in the morning is oh so good for the soul.

♥ The thing you are searching for is always in the last place you look. Always.

♥ Sometimes the only way to stop a bad morning turning into a bad day is to look on the bright side of life and get a little silly. Singing helps too.

♥ The water is almost warm enough for me to jump into the surf already {and by that I mean dip a toe in and then painfully annoy my husband by taking twenty seven hours to submerge the rest of myself into the water, by which time he’s in the car, packed up and ready to go home}.

What did you learn in the past week?

12 thoughts on “Hello You. And You.”

  1. I learned that I have a massive dependence on reading your blog 😛

    I learned that although I love spending time with my hubby – 4 weeks is enough time off work for him and I'm ready for him to go back!! 😛

  2. welcome back lovely!

    I learnt that our market stall can be super successful which makes me super happy and gives me some $ to play with!!


  3. Yay! You are back! You were missed but I understand the need for a breather now and again. Hope you got to get away for a bit, or even if you were still at home it sounds as though you had a great time!

  4. Yay for my Fat Mum Slim fix today! I am cured 🙂
    Hope you had a lovely non-blog week.
    I have learnt that boys will be boys and that partying on a weeknight for them is apparently very reasonable – even if it disrupts me and my sleep, work and study!!

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