Hello There.


ello. Hello. Hello.

I hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend. They’re rare at this time of year. Usually we’re all racing around the shopping mall like the world is about to end buying last minute gifts such as scented soaps for Aunt Mavis.

I vowed not to go to the shops on Saturday. I just wanted a pretty quiet day. I didn’t want to get Lacey in and out of the car like I have all week. We went out the markets in the morning and then had a quick manicure and pedicure, and then stayed home for the rest of the day. I got the house cleaned and wrapped all my gifts.

We decided a while a go that wrapped gifts under the tree was asking for trouble. Our tree looks so lonesome with no love underneath. So I put the gifts underneath on Saturday… and somebody wanted to start opening them straight away.

Luckily they were just pyjamas for her anyway. I think I could just wrap up all her old toys and put them there and she’d be in heaven.

I’d love to see what you got up to on the weekend. Did you do your Point and Shoot Project like a good little sausage? Add your link below, or just tell me what your weekend involved in the comment section.

Come back after lunch to see who the lucky winner of the giveaway is. Woohoooooo.

7 thoughts on “Hello There.”

  1. hehe. i would open my presents if i was allowed. my boyfriend bought them yesterday and he wrapped them a mere few feet away {i had my laptop in front of me so i couldnt see what he was doing}. and then he put them all in a box.

    and guessed who wrapped the box? yep. me.

    lol. my weekend was okay. shopping. cleaning. watching tv shows and movies. that was really about it.

  2. We had a great weekend full of family visits, the wiggles concert & carols on the beach. It is so much fun this time of year!!!!!

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