Good stuff: How to nourish your mind

medium_6764936589Hello! Today I want to introduce you to a beautiful soul that I know, Kirsti. Kirsti and I grew up in the same town and have ended up 14 hours-odd north of there to where we are now. Kirsti is one of those people that just oozes positivity, you can’t help but smile. As a big fan of positive affirmations {so easy, and so good!} I loved this post and hope you will too. xYELLOW-BREAK

Using daily affirmations are a beautiful and gentle way to cut through any road blocks you have in your mind about attracting something positive in your life. Nourishing your mind with beautiful thoughts and affirmations are just as important as eating whole fresh food for the body. The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.”

I feel most of our inner pain comes from lack of self-love. Healing has to begin with your inner world. The words you speak to yourself and to others are all affirmations. Words are very powerful. Each word or phrase you speak has energy attached to it. Using affirmations together with feelings are the most powerful combination for achieving your dreams. Affirmations are the gateway to shifting your thinking.

Quite simply, an affirmation is a statement to the universe of what you want to attract and heal in your life. Just imagine the universe is your own special kitchen. Every time you think and speak you are ordering from the cosmic kitchen. How many beautiful orders of ‘food’ have you ordered that have nourished your soul? What orders are you not happy with that are toxic to your body right now? And what orders would you like to take back to the cosmic chef?

Affirmations can help change your thinking. It can be very overwhelming for people to believe they have attracted experiences and relationships due to how they think. Creating new habits around affirmations can shift how you feel about yourself and change the path of your life. A powerful way to start the day is to have a list of affirmations by your bedside and each morning before you jump out of bed, spend a few quiet moments alone, repeating either to yourself or out loud your mantra for the day.

For me, I had some hidden beliefs about money & abundance. I have had to work very hard with affirmations and meditations to overcome (sometimes) extreme fears about ‘lack’ and ‘not having enough’, I felt like I was always in survival mode. These beliefs around “lack” lead me down some career paths that were purely to manage my fear, not what my heart was saying.

Here are a few beautiful affirmations that you may love to use to help you shift some old thinking patterns. Miranda Kerr has a beautiful mantra she says each morning upon rising, “I am a healthy, vibrant being of love and light.”

A few affirmation tips and tricks

Number 1: Always be positive. “Today is going to be filled with magical surprises.”
Number 2: Turn the negative thoughts around. Instead of “I am fat”, tell yourself this: “I will eat healthy and make a green smoothie today.”
Number 3: Always use present tense. “I am going on a holiday this year.”
Number 4: Repeat your affirmations throughout the day to reinforce their positive effect on your day-to-day life.
Number 5: Always be specific, without being ridiculous. Instead of “I will be surrounded by millions”, use “My passion, commitment & hard work will soon be rewarded with becoming a (…..fill in blank)”.
Try these affirmations and see whether any of these feel right for you and your life. Pick one or two that resonates with your soul, write them down on a piece of paper, pick a time of the day when you can have 5 minutes of Zen time and repeat 3 times each day for 10 days.

• I am at peace and enjoy having a peaceful life full of love & harmonious relationships
• I value & honour myself
• I treat myself with loving care
• I deserve love & happiness
• I listen to my inner voice and feelings
• I am powerful being full of love & laughter
• I accept love into my life
• I let go of negative self-talk
• I send love to my fears and feel confident in my ability.
• My life is a place of balance and harmony.
• I let go of toxic relationships that do not serve my highest good
• I choose to follow my heart and career that I love & passionate about
• I am perfect the way I am
• Abundance flows to me easily and effortlessly
• I am at peace with my past. I choose to release the past now. I move forward by letting go of the past. I choose to forgive myself and others. I am grateful and happy to experience new joys in life.
• I am patient, loving, caring, and understanding. I am surrounded by patient, loving, caring, and understanding individuals. In all situations, I remain balanced.


Kirsti Boothroyd is a Yoga & Lifestyle advisor. Her deepest intention is to light up LIGHTs everywhere through the magic of creative Yoga, energy healing & foods that heal the body & spirit. Kirsti has been studying human behavior for close to 15 years working as a Social Scientist, developing leadership programs for organisations & conducting reiki sessions with personal clients. More recently, Kirsti has developed a Kids Yoga Program and is taking this to schools to help kids reconnect with their own innate perfection and light to improve inner strength, concentration and happiness levels. If you want to connect with more of Kirsti’s work, you can find her on Facebook.

photo credit: Khánh Hmoong via photopin cc

7 thoughts on “Good stuff: How to nourish your mind”

  1. Being a bit of a Pollyanna, I couldn’t agree more about these tips and tricks. I probably ought to blog more about nourishing your mind and thinking positively, but I assume it’s common sense. But so glad you have reminded me that a positive life is a choice. xxx

  2. What a beautiful read in early morning! {I tried to post a comment as soon as you published it}. Really simple yet powerful. Thanks for writing in and sharing with us, Kirsti. You have made my day, no I say weekend 🙂 Namaste!

  3. What a great post! I love the affirmations! Great reminder to be positive and thankful for all we have in life!

  4. this is a really sweet post and something i really needed!

    I keep telling myself way too many things all the time and I really need to remind myself to think more positive!

    xx Jenni

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