Glad moments

Brought to you by Glad.

If I asked you what makes you feel happy, glad, or awesome, what would you tell me? I can think of a whole heap of good things. Things like sleeping until my body wants to wake up, laughing til I cry, really good carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, cuddles from my kids and that look from my husband.

Glad asked me to put together a list of things that make me feel glad, and I was totally up for it. Happy things? I’m in. Here’s what makes me glad, every day.


If I’d known before kids that you actually, very rarely get to use the bathroom alone then I probably would have savoured it more {as weird as that sounds}. But I can tell you that I have a glad moment when I pop off to the loo quickly, and no one follows me, bangs on the door or screams at the door for me. I’m also glad when they don’t destroy the house in the 34 seconds it takes me to pee, because a lot of damage can be done it that time.


I wouldn’t know because this actually hasn’t happened, except when I’ve purchased them myself… but how nice would getting a bunch of flowers be, for no reason at all. Like not because you had a fight the night before, or because someone forgot to put out the bins, but just because you’re you. That would be awesome.


I don’t care if it’s a supermarket catalogue, I welcome those. Even better is handwritten mail or parcels. I’m glad to see those! I just don’t want any bills. Particularly rates and electricity bills. Those are the worst. Ugh.


I don’t know about you, but getting my exercise clothes on and walking out the door is the hardest part of exercise. Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I drag myself around. But I always loving that feeling afterwards.


No, I don’t mind spending up big, but I mean spending neat. I almost do a fist pump when my grocery bill is an exact number, like $100 or $90. You don’t think I’m weird, do you?


So, you know when winter rolls around and you’ve just spent the summer wearing flowy dresses and clothes that aren’t tight {well, that’s how I do summer} and then winter rolls around you have to revisit your denim pile. And you do so hesitantly? Yeah, well… when they still fit, I have a glad moment. When they’re a little bit loose… I have a fist pump moment, cos it’s time to go shopping.


I don’t know how it happens in your household, but every single morning getting ready for school is a chore. A bore chore. It never happens, or maybe it happened once but I can’t even remember, but if I didn’t have to bicker or beg about the kids brushing their teeth or doing their hair or eating their breakfast… well it would be a miracle. WHY IS IT SO HARD?

What makes you feel glad?

If you were one of those people that was feeling slightly un-glad when Glad changed the side of the box where the cling wrap cutter sits, then I have news for you. Because I won’t lie. I ranted to my husband for longer than necessary because I couldn’t get it to work for me. First world problems. Glad has fixed it, and the original cutter bar{ahem, the RIGHT way} is back. Glad days!

Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when I ask you: What makes you feel GLAD? And pop over to Instagram and share a photo of what makes you glad {and tag it with the hashtag #gladeveryday so you can get rewarded!}.

28 thoughts on “Glad moments”

  1. … lots of things make me Glad every day…… my first cup of tea in the morning … my garden…. my dog… seeing Hubby reading the paper ….. BUT…. the main thing I’m Glad about every day Is sharing my day with my MUM….. she is 98 and lives with us and I treasure every day with her…. I’m 73 and we have the normal mother/daughter upsets …but we mostly have relaxed ‘Old Ladies Days’ together… my whole family is Glad to still have her with us… xxx

  2. Oh yes to all those things! I got my groceries within 34c of my exact budget the other day – I thought I was so awesome haha.
    I’m always glad when I’m having funny conversations with the Little Mister. Glad when I get some quiet time alone – just me and the DVR or Netflix.

  3. Gosh, sooo much makes me feel glad! Seeing the toilet paper roll on the ‘right’ way, clean sheets, hearing my husbands car pull up every night, puppy cuddles, belly laughs, ugg boots, a warm cuppa in my cold winter hands….sooo much! It’s always the little things though x

  4. I was beyond glad – thrilled even – to find they had fixed the cutter on the glad wrap box – it drove me nuts! So much so that I bought another brand of wrap – which wasn’t as good but that was a small sacrifice to pay to escape the annoyance of the cutting bar! Other things that make me glad: hearing the birds singing as I wake up, especially the magpies; watching rainbow lorikeets squabbling and snuggling as they get ready for bed; Botanica salads, cakes, soups and breakfasts – because they are the ultimate guilt-free takeaway and taste fantastic (thank you, @botanicarealfood !!! You make my day every time I visit…) and my all-time favourite guilty pleasure, reading in the bathtub!!!

  5. Oh my goodness, where to start? I guess waking up and knowing I get to enjoy a new day, seeing blue skies and sunshine, eating dumplings, hugs, face time, clean sheets and Christmas (in July or in December, I’m not fussy!)

  6. Thanks for the giggle! So many things that make me glad, but a big one for me is photography. I love it! I can go out feeling somewhat jittery or anxious, (yep, mental un-health sucks!), but when I start looking through that viewfinder, creativity kicks in and good things start flowing from my brain; joy, peace, happiness, excitement, hope. I believe God made us all with a “fit,” a place to find ourselves, and that is it for me. It’s not about being the best at something, but about finding our sweet spot. And when we do, it’s the gladdest feeling ever. 🙂

  7. I have sooooo many!
    Hot cup of good tea and a piece of a perfect vanilla cheese cake, flowers in the house, candels, those days you get to shower, wash your hair, shave your legs and get dressed without being interrupted, and that day coinciding with clean sheet day, empty clothes basket, all three kids having a good day at once, getting a bargain, mornings spent at the markets and family time

  8. Mine would be night snuggle after the routine of dinner “fights”, bath, pjs is over and we can snuggle up with milk and a book.

  9. Lot’s of simple things make me glad these days. There’s the dinner when children eat without pulling faces or being full after two bites, a cup of coffee/tea that’s still hot, sunshine through the window, a good book, banking my tips money and the look of my house after a clean up. I could go on and on… Now back to clean up to feel glad about my efforts! 🙂

  10. All of the above 🙂 Also that fleeting moment when you have all the washing caught up and put away! It seriously makes me feel like super mum! The current weather is making it very hard for me to achieve super mum status…. drizzle, drizzle,drizzle *sigh*

  11. My kids laughing together / fresh sheets / that 5 seconds after you’ve cleaned your houseand before the kids demolish it again / a good sleep-in / hot cups of tea with chocolate biscuits / turning on the TV just as a trashy reality show is starting / date nights with the hubster / sunshine streaming through the car on a winter’s day/ watching the waves at the beach / my kids holding hands when they think nobody is watching / diet coke / laughing so hard that tears stream down your face / a good hug from my kids or my husband or my mama / staring into a nice candle / a massage / a mani or pedi or both / finding a $20 note I’d forgotten in my pocket / chocolate cake – or any cake really / something really cool in my size AND on sale…

  12. My son and husband still remember the day I finally snapped, stamped my foot and yelled “WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A CALM HAPPY MORNING!!’ at the top of my voice…

  13. #gladeveryday A fresh, hot cup of tea made by my husband without baby related interruptions. Time to post my photo a day on Facebook while my husband gets the baby to sleep. Shower and change of clothes each day. Baby smile when I enter the room. Baby laugh when I hold him upside down or tickle his chin.

  14. It’s all the little things like reading the paper with a hot cup of coffee on the weekend (when we don’t have kids sport to rush to), a bike ride with the family, when the béchamel sauce on the stove turns out exactly right (without lumps) & catching up with friends & family that make me GLAD.

  15. I am glad that I am a better mum than I thought I would be! I was never a “baby” person and was so scared when I fell pregnant that I wouldn’t love them like you are supposed to. I am GLAD that I did, because they make my life complete and make me happy every single day!

  16. So many things make me feel glad that first sip of your coffee in the morning,sitting in the sun on a cold day,meals you don’t have to cook and I buy flowers every week to brighten up my home!

  17. i’m glad every day for modern medicine, i’ve had detached and torn retinas in both eyes, whilst in my mid thirties… if I lived elsewhere I might not have the vision, albeit slightly impaired, that I have today… so as well as the usual, hubby, kids,family, friends… I’m Glad for that!

  18. I am glad I wake up each morning and i am alive – i have had a few medical scares and I cherish each day i wake up and get to see my children and husband – and i love seeing beautiful sunsets at the end of each day as that makes me smile 🙂 That is no to say that some days i am tearing out my hair but i do try and appreciate all the small things in a day 🙂

  19. I am glad that I have a family that knows the kitchen is not my favourite room in the home and they still eat what I make for them.

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