Everyday Everybody: Virginia.


‘Day Mate.

It’s time again for another insight into the life of a Fat Mum Slim reader’s mind. Today we get to meet Virginia who blogs over at Mum/Toddler/Babe.

What was your last purchase from the chemist? Wax! Being a mum to two makes it really difficult to get out to my beautician so I need to DIY when it comes to beautifying myself. It also saves me a bit of money! Sorry Dina!

When was the last time you had to apologise? Only a few days ago to my hubby. I’ve been a bit grumpy and irritable lately due to lack of sleep for months on end and it doesn’t take him much to get me cranky. Of course then I need to come back and apologise, as often it’s not warranted. My poor hubby puts up with a lot when I’m tired.

What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Mostly their faces. I think you can tell a lot about someone by their face, especially their eyes, what sort of eye contact they give you and their facial expressions. It’s usually a person’s eyes or the way they speak with their whole face that will endear me to them initially. What’s the saying? A person’s eyes are the window to their soul? I think that’s pretty true.

Who do you miss? That’s a hard one. I’d say my maternal grandfather who died suddenly when I was in Year 9. I never got to say goodbye to him. He only spoke Greek, and I only spoke a tiny bit of Greek so we didn’t really communicate verbally but we had a great bond and connection with one another. He was so warm and loving and the right kind of mischievous. I would have loved him to be around to meet my children.Might sound funny, but I miss not having a mother-in-law too. She was a great lady who unfortunately lost her battle with cancer in 2001.

How was your skin as a teenager? I had pretty oily/pimply skin when I was a teen. I was very embarrassed by it most of the time. I used to hate going swimming as I used to get pimples at the top of my back and hated wearing anything revealing that part of my back. Thankfully it’s pretty good now, you wouldn’t even know what it was like before!

When was the last time you stayed in bed all day? Oh my! Probably before I was married when I was having a sick day off work. What a luxury! Would love a day of just catching up on sleep now.

Who’s your best friend? My mama by far. I absolutely love her to death, don’t know what I would do without her. She is the wisest, most beautiful, most generous, most loving person I know. She will drop everything just to help me out or come to my rescue.

What was your first job? At 15, I was a checkout chick at my local grocery store. I only did it for a few months and my parents told me to quit!

Who owes you money? No-one!! It’s usually me that owes my mum money! But at the moment it’s just the bank I owe.

Are you houseproud? I think mostly I am. I am one of those people who constantly strives to have a tidy house for myself and others, but I’m not great at maintaining if for long, and it’s very hard with a toddler who likes to mess up things all the time. It’s amazing how the state of my house can affect my mood so much. If the house is looking great and tidy and clean I feel so good!I am far from being a neat freak though. My hubby and I can also be quite untidy and not very good at putting things where they should go so there’s always a lot of work to do. In an ideal world I’d like the house to look good all the time. Unfortunately our house will always have that ‘lived in’ look I think, it will never have the ‘magazine spread’ look!

Thanks Virginia. I have been missing your blog because for some reason it hasn’t been coming up on my feed and I’ve only just noticed. I look forward to going back to reading it frequently.

If you would like to share a little bit of you here, then please send me an email at fatmumslim@hotmail.com and I’ll pop you an email with some random questions. I’d love to hear from you.

5 thoughts on “Everyday Everybody: Virginia.”

  1. Love the questions… bizarrely or not I always like hearing what people were like as teens.

    To Virgina, I so agree on how the state of your home can affect your mood… or maybe mine just reflects my mood… when I'm all over the place so is it!

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