Everyday Everybody: Kahlee.

Good morning!

I hope your morning is treating you well so far. It’s time for another interview in the Everyday Everybody series. The next person up is Kahlee, you can find her over at her blog. Happy reading.

Do you believe in life after death?
I like to think that there is life after death, yes. I’m not really sure what form that takes – I like to think that we are reincarnated .. and while I’m certainly far from a practising Catholic, I do like to think that Heaven exists. Reincarnation and Heaven don’t really go together, however! As to whether I actually believe that there is life after death? I’m not sure. Sometimes I have moments where I feel like I’ve already experienced something,or I’ve had a conversation before … and sometimes when chatting with small children that I babysit, they are SO wise beyond their years, that it’s almost impossible to not believe in the afterlife .. I’d hate to think that at the end of the day we all end up worm-food, or in an urn on a mantle somewhere ..

What was your last argument about and who was it with?
It must have been a pretty good argument, because I seriously can’t think of the last time I argued with somebody *wink* If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it was probably with my mother .. I couldn’t tell you what it might have been about though!

What do you cook for a romantic dinner?
My idea of a romantic dinner, is going out to a restaurant and having somebody else do all the hard work for me! But if I were doing the cooking? Roast Lamb with sweet and kipfler potatoes, broccoli and beans!

What’s your ideal occupation?
To be honest, I’m still working this one out. I like to write, and I like to travel, so perhaps a travel writer? I’d also love to work for a major glossy ..hopefully one day that will come true! I’m also a bit of a traditionalist, and look forward to one day being a SAHM. I’m sure that Gen Y-er’s everywhere had brain explosions over that little revelation.

On a train, which way do you face?
I try and always take a seat in the direction that the train is going. SometimesI get confused and sit facing the opposite direction, and then I feel too silly to get up and sit the other way *blush*

Do you like your partner’s family?
Yes, I do! Sometimes the language barrier makes things a little difficult with his parents, but ultimately, they’re wonderful, loving people, and they make fantastic in-laws! And his brother is also great!

Where were you ripped off?
When we cancelled our big “fairytale” wedding, we were taken for a bit of a ride by some vendors .. most eventually came around and saw our side and came to the table (and I would use again), but there is one person that was very aggressive and ripped us off – and who I would now never recommend to others!

How often do you clean your ears?
I had a conversation with my Doctor once, that went a little bit like this: Him: “You shouldn’t put anything smaller than your elbow in your ears.”Me: *twisting elbow* ” … but I can’t even get my elbow NEAR my ear!”Him “Exactly.” Regardless, I clean my ears every second day or so. It’s a compulsion! I loveit.

What did you dream about last night?
I don’t have a very good memory of my dreams. Occasionally I remember bits and pieces, but never really the specifics. With that said, I always have very vivid/colourful/real dreams, and I often wake up in tears! My “real life other half” is often getting into “trouble” for things that my “dream other half” did. Ha!

Thanks Kahlee. That was so beautifully written, and such an interesting read. Thanks for sharing parts of your life with us. xx

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