Everyday Everybody: Iris.

Meet Iris. Stunning, isn’t she?

Iris is the next up to be interviewed in the Everyday Everybody series. After you’ve finished reading about her here, pop over to Fleur Delice to read more about her and her little, delightful baboushka.

I just want to quickly apologise for two things. Firstly for those that have emailed me wanting to participate. I’m not ignoring you… I’ve misplaced my question book and have been meaning to look for that and then get back to you. And then secondly apologies to those waiting to see their interview. There a few on the waiting list… but your time will come.

If you want to participate, just email me at fatmumslim@hotmail.com and I will eventually get around to you. You don’t have to have a blog either. Jump on in.

Now back to Iris.

Have you ever been in close proximity to someone really famous?
I once gave Paul McDermott from Good News Week a peck on the cheek.

What do you do when you get a cold?
I lie low, gargle salt water and drink lots of lemon tea.

What’s your greatest fear?
To be out swimming and bump into a big shark. What on earth do you do then?

Can you use chopsticks?
Yes, 98% of the time. And the remaining 2% always involves soy sauce and a white shirt.

Have you ever said ‘I love you’ without meaning it?

Who do you owe money to?
Does HECS count?

How would you describe your hair at sixteen?
Long, blonde, straggly and occasionally blue (for going to the disco)

How many people always send you a birthday card?
It’s very cute, at 27 I still get birthday money in a card from both my grandmothers. And often from my parents too (I’m rubbish at knowing what I want for my birthday).

Whose was the last funeral you attended?
My grandfather’s, back in 1998. Bagpipes still make me teary.

When were you last nervous?
A few months ago, on January 26th, when I went into labour. Although it wasn’t the imminent arrival of my bub that made me nervous – I felt so mean to be waking my midwife at 1am!

Thanks Iris. So sweet of you to be thinking of you midwife at such a time. I’m sure she’s used to being awake at odd times. xx

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