
This post is Challenge Two from the Blogged community. The subject is about inventing something to make life easier or more fun. Here is my contribution:

Ma called me tonight quickly as she was heading out for the night. She was just touching base and letting me know her plans for the weekend.

So on Sunday I’ll head over and pick Lacey up and take her for a few hours, she said.

What for? I remarked.

I knew what for. I didn’t need to ask. She wants to spend time with Lacey, and she wants to give me a bit of time for myself.

I crave time alone, more than I crave chocolate. And I love my chocolate.

The other week one of the kids from work asked me, Do you ever spend any time alone?

I sometimes drive to and from work alone, I replied. (That’s when Hubby is looking after Lacey at home).

Now, I get up at 5am (sometimes 4:30am) before everyone is awake in my house so I can soak up the peace, the quiet, the me time. I need that. I do it for me.

Asking someone to take Lacey for me so I can have so selfish time alone feels wrong. Mother Guilt kicks in at even the thought of it. So it’s nice when someone offers, yet I still feel guilty.

I’d love another me. If I could invent something. It would be a duplicator. I want another me. One to spend all my time with Lacey. Teaching her sign language, French, knitting, how to cook a souffle and how to paint a masterpiece. The other me I want to do all my cleaning, my shopping, my organising, the cooking and any other Domestic Goddess duties.

See that right there? The Duplicator? It eliminates Mother Guilt. I get to be the perfect mother, and a domestic goddess. I might even make another me to be the perfect wife too. Now wouldn’t that make everyone happy. Hmmm….

I’d love to be able to write here that you could head over to Danoz Direct or QVC and purchase your very own duplicator for 4 monthly installments of $23.95, yet sadly this little invention is just a figment of my overzealous imagination.

A Mama can dream. xx

17 thoughts on “Duplicator.”

  1. Ok, when you invent the duplicator and I invent the toddler off switch we’ll do a trade. I sure could use some me time without that damn Mummy Guilt whispering that I’m a crap Mummy in my ear!

  2. Sounds like the perfect invention!
    At least we have grandparents…aren’t they just the best!
    I don’t even have time to crave alone time…
    But I run, sometimes with my girl in a jogging stroller, sometimes on a treadmill and sometimes outside…and thats good thinking time.

    Love your blog!

  3. Seems like a popular product! 😛

    Carlos – Nope. I think it’s a parent thing, this guilt. xx

    Sah – Most definitely not my new hair. This is an old photo. I wish it was that colour. 🙁

  4. i could use this for uni work. would be a definite must for me. hehe.

    makaton is easier to grasp than sign language – i can send you the stuff if you would like?

  5. Mama guilt is forever lurking somwhere but time to yourself is so important so don’t feel guilty. I have tried getting up before them at 5am and it was amazingly gorgeous and I felt so excited by the time they all woke up and all refreshed and pleased to see them….but I need my sleep soooo much that I never did it again!!!
    Hopee you have a lovely few hours to yourself. Btw, is that your current hairstyle in the pic? Because I think it looks bloomin gorgeous!

  6. I don’t seem to have enough hours in the day now (probably because I waste too much time online!) so I can only imagine what I’ll be like when we have kids. Sounds like a great invention!

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