D Minus.

I’m giving myself a D Minus for this weekends dieting. I showed no control. No consistency. No motivation.

I do have to say that I am exhausted from the school holidays, but that is no excuse. I didn’t need dessert last night. I can justify it ’til the cows come home (is that even a saying?) but the stark reality is that I didn’t need it. As the kids at work would put it – Telle, that’s a want, not a need. Someone has taught them well, obviously that someone isn’t me.

I showed restraint yesterday at lunch. I was munching on a gözleme and knew that it wasn’t what I should be eating. If felt far too oily. I passed it onto my older sister and went and got something a lot healthier, a lot more on par with my diet.

Today we went to my Ma’s place to see my two Aunts. They hadn’t seen Lacey for a while. Whenever we have family gatherings it usually (read: always) involves masses of food. I took along some chocolate mud scones (totally my weakness) and a custard tea bun (totally knew I wouldn’t be tempted to eat that, not my thing). I ate a chocolate scone. It was delicious though. I give it that.

So I feel all blah now. I feel like I’ve failed a bit. I have a lot of making up to do over this week. Today I did up my ‘score’ a little to perhaps a D Plus because I went for a walk.

In what I think is perfect timing Lady Smaggle wrote about positive body image on her blog. Lady Smaggle is a fashionista with a great attitude which is infectious, and I’m glad she shared, especially today.

I love this piece of advice:

Make an effort

Don’t be lame. Get dressed with purpose in the morning. And don’t give me any of your ‘I am too busy and tired’ crap. When I’m running on five hours sleep the only thing that makes me function is a half hour morning jog, a cool shower, some vitamins, a good breakfast, some sparkly eyeshadow and lashings of mascara. Chandelier earrings also help. You’ll look as gross as you feel if you wear daggy jeans and don’t wash your hair.

I’ve always lived by this little piece of advice. I know I always feel better when I make an effort.

One new piece of advice that I love is about making myself irreplaceable. It’s brilliant.

Make yourself irreplaceable

In every aspect of your life. If other people value you, then naturally you will start to value yourself. At work, make sure that you are on the ball so that the place falls apart when you’re away. With your friends, make sure you are the one that remembers their birthday and rescues them when their car breaks down. With your partner, be the best lover and friend that you can be. Make people crave your company and make sure the reputation that you have among them is fabulous. Obviously don’t be a door mat but nothing will make you glow more than being helpful and kind.

Thank you so much Lady Smaggle. You put a spark in my D Minus Day. 🙂

In order to work harder for my weight loss I am going to work towards 3 goals.

1. Drink 2 litres of water daily.
2. Go for at least 3 walks.
3. Be organised by pre-making lunches + snacks.

I hope everyone had a sunny weekend. x

5 thoughts on “D Minus.”

  1. oh I can definitely relate! I give myself an F for my weekend. Between the rehearsal dinner, the wedding and reception, and then yesterday, I havent had one good day of eating. but it happens and we just have to move on.

  2. Fantastic advice! I like that one about getting dressed nicely….I should remember that, sitting here in my trackydaks and a tatty singlet with my hair scraped into a ponytail because I can’t do anything else with it! LOL TOMORROW I will dress nicely!!

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