
Lacey allowed us a sleep in this morning. I actually woke before her and lay in bed waiting for her to wake. It’s a nice feeling. She was really happy this morning. It’s a sign to me that she’s had a great nights sleep and is ready to embark on a new day. This is the little face that greeted me this morning.

Lacey and I went off for a walk whilst Hubby slept off his night shift. The weather looked threatening and I did wonder if we’d be stuck down at the beach in the rain, but it cleared and a sunny day ensued.

The beach is always full of colourful characters when I have my early morning walks. I used to walk at 5am every morning, but since having Lacey it’s a lot harder to do and I seem to be able to only walk in the afternoons, well during the week anyway.

When I was pregnant I was heading home from my walk. A man, well, I don’t know if can call him a man. He was more of a boyish man. About 20-odd. A little nerdy. He was clean, looked very sensible and had a backpack on his back. Nothing out of the ordinary. He asked me how to get to town and I told the best way to do so. Next thing he asks me if I would like to have sex with him for $500. I didn’t have the heart to get mad. He was so polite and so nervous. I simply said, no thank you and went on my way.

I seem to attract weird and wacky people. Another lady (homeless, it seemed) stopped me and asked if I would like to have a coffee with her. She was so extravagant and flamboyant. I said I’d take a rain check. I’m yet to see her again.

The other week two men were walking in front of me. I thought they might have been father and son. The son was talking quite loudly. He was talking about how he’d like to have some more medication but didn’t know where to get it. Next thing he says is: I’ll have to stop walking now. I’m starting to squeak. I wet myself last night and now my shoes are all squeaky.

Quite sad really.

So today wasn’t so colourful, but colourful enough. Plenty of drunk hooligans having fun in the water. A drunk couple fighting and making up all in the same minute. A man wearing bright red glasses started approaching me.

He said from a distance: Can I please look at your baby?
Me: Umm… sure.
Him: Wow. She’s small. She’s about 3 weeks, right?
Me: No, try about 6 months.
Him: She’s got no hair.
Me: Really, I didn’t notice.

Lacey: Waaaah, waaaah, waaaaah, waaaaah. (Which probably translates to – YES, I do have hair. Look up here. It’s just really blond and you can’t see it with those wild glasses on).

Lacey is usually pretty good with strangers but he was probably too strange for her liking. She wanted out of there, and fast.

Never a dull moment, I tell you.

We spent the afternoon over at my Ma’s house with my sisters. We cried laughing looking over old photos and love letters my sister had written to Jimmy Barnes. We cooked a nice roast chicken and had yummy salad with it.

What a perfect, sunny Saturday. x

P.s. I’ve tried to make ^^^ that not all join up but it won’t play with me. 🙁 Sorry.

5 thoughts on “Colourful.”

  1. you seem to atttract them telle!!!!

    your better at this blogging knowledge then me… join up, photos do that can they???

    you’ve reminded me, I might do a day in the life post tomorrow.

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