Before meets After


I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years now, and I’ve met a small handful of bloggers in my time. I get a little worked up {which I actually learnt is anxiety} about it all. What if people don’t like me? What if I’m too fat? What if I’m boring? The self-deprecating questions go on and on.

I tried to talk myself out of going to the book launch. ‘You can just send her a card and wish Kerri well,’ I told myself. ‘No! You should go!’ I counter argued back.

Hours before the launch I was a whirl of anxiety. I couldn’t think straight, I felt like my body was moving in fast forward whilst my mind was working in rewind. I had my outfit planned out in my head, but it all came undone when I couldn’t find one of my shoes. Anxious Cinderella.

I got in the car, and headed for the book launch. I was doing it. My stomach churned and my head ached. But I was doing it.

I met with friends {Sarah and Annie} beforehand for a drink, and my anxiety mixed with excitement, and started to grow. We headed for the party, and entered the room. I saw so many faces that I knew, but had never met. Does that happen anywhere else? Isn’t it odd to know everyone, but not actually know everyone?

I drove home in the taxi with buzz in my heart and a smile on my face. I wanted to blurt out to the driver about the great night I’d just had, but he didn’t seem interested at all. So I kept it to myself. As I lay in bed trying to get some much needed sleep, I tossed and turned… still smiling.

Bloggers & Tweeters are a different breed of people, I think. We’re warm, friendly, sharing and open. We kinda get each other, even though we’re vastly different. It’s easy to spark up a conversation about something you read in the past, and you’ve always got something in common.

It was great to see Kerri launch her book with such pride, and with such wonderful support. It was great to mingle and chat, like we’d all known each other forever {which we kinda have}.

I was ever so glad that I felt the fear and did it anyway….

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P.S. Do you suffer from anxiety? Do you get nerves before doing something new? How do you handle it?

20 thoughts on “Before meets After”

  1. I so know where you're coming from Chantelle, I have often talked myself out of things for a few reasons:

    – am I too fat and they'll be embarrassed to know me!
    – will they know me when I introduce myself (if we've been corresponding via email/blog etc)
    – will everyone think I'm a duck out of water

    etc etc. My self doubting has stopped me taking advantage of several really good opportunities, however since meeting Mr Mel, he has given me the confidence push I obviously needed to put myself out there, and be seen/met etc. That if they don't like it they can lump it.

    I still waiver most times, but now I usually push myself to bite the bullet and introduce myself or attend the function, and the results have been very encouraging, and well worth the butterflies, sick feeling!

    Even when we went to pick our engagement ring I was stressing that the jeweller would tell me finger was too fat!

    With little steps we'll get there 🙂

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. I feel the same before going out especially by myself. I don't get the opportunity much with one car and 3 kids under 5 but I'm sure once I'm able to I'll feel exactly the same.

  3. Sounds very much like the quote ” if in it anyway” good on you sweety…so proud of you for pushing yourself to go…often its really our own FEAR..( FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL ) the scarey thoughts we conjur up in our own heads that turn into something bigger than what they really are.

    You are beautiful….start believeing it…all your followers do 🙂 x

  4. Well done on winning the internal argument, it's not easy. I've often got to remind myself I'm not in high school any more, most people are supportive and nice.
    And yes, overwhelmingly bloggers and tweeters are really lovely, which is especially nice when one is new to it (like me).

  5. We should meet up for that coffee/wine when I'm down in June. Lacey isn't allowed to get sick this time! 😉

    PS. I get rotten anxiety in the lead-up to meeting new people – but it's always been worth it in the end xx

  6. I have felt the fear and done it anyway, but sadly it didn't pay off last time… (My failed attempt at finding a mum's group!)
    Glad your night went well.
    Nice shoes, by the way! 😉

  7. Almost always!
    I worry about:
    * being too fat
    * not being interesting enough
    * saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

    UGH! by the time I actually get to the event I've convinced myself that it will be a disaster. After the event however – I'm always surprised at how well it went! And hubby always says that I should a bit more faith in myself. *sigh*

  8. Me? I could not care less on being judged. Judge away if you want, I will be too busy having fun! I do not get out very often…. Ps you know I think you are amazing xx

  9. I think you're fabulous Chantelle and I can work that out having never even met you! BUT I completely relate to the nerves and anxiety. I pretty much stress out over everything new I'm about to embark on, unless of course I've planned it out and it all falls into place the way it is meant to… but let's face it, how often does that happen?!
    Part of the reason I think we stress is because we care. If you didn't give a rats, then you wouldn't be worried. yeah? Well, maybe. All I know is you are totally normal to feel nerves :o)

  10. I almost talked myself out of going when I first got the invitation but I thought it would be a good chance to step out of my comfort zone.
    When I first got there I was ok, mainly because there was only a few people there and I was sorting out the name tags I had put together. I chatted briefly and awkwardly with a few people I “knew”, met the wonderful Kerri and then just faded in to the background a bit.
    I desperately wanted to say hello to you and others that I follow religiously but was overcome with shyness. I had no idea how to approach you and no idea if you'd even recognize me (or my twitter id).

    I felt like I was back in high school and I hated myself for it. It was a wonderful evening and I'm so glad I went, I just wish I couldve been more confident. And said hello to you!

  11. I know this feeling well. I have it when I see someone I haven't seen for a long time and would like to go and talk to them but figure they won't remember me and then it will just be plain awkward 🙁

    Glad that you won the internal battle

  12. Hi Chantelle,

    This post had me nodding my head. I met two fellow bloggers and was SOOO nervous. It turned out great, but I almost pulled out. And, nothing like a whole room of people you sort of know.

    So yes, despite looking like one of the most confident people on a planet, going anywhere new is terrifying! xx

  13. So glad you did feel the fear and do it anyway… and that you are courageous enough to talk about the fear, like Annie did too. It's a gift for others to learn from you lovely girls.

  14. I know exactly how you feel! I have a blogger event coming up, and I just know I'm going to get cold feet. If I do, now I can just come back here and read your post – thank you, brave girl!

  15. I hate having to do new things and meet new people for the same reasons as you. Will they think I'm too fat, too boring etc etc but I always push myself to do it and always end up having a great time!

    Just found your website and have loved reading it 🙂

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