A Whole New World.


We type the address into the GPS and head for the City. In times gone by we would have pulled out the street directory, and written down the route that we were to take. This time we were putting our entire faith into this one little machine.

And we shouldn’t have. We were on a limited time frame and in peak hour traffic. I could feel my blood pressure rising, even the sound of Lacey putting her window up and down, up and down was threatening to send me over the edge.
The GPS was like a woman in a shoe store, always changing it’s mind. Turn right, it told us. In 100m turn left, it said the next moment. We were at traffic lights and hadn’t moved. Why was it being so temperamental? Why today?
Finally our GPS says the words I’ve been waiting for it to say, You have reached your destination.

I frantically look around. Destination. Destination. We. Are. Not. At. Our. Destination. The GPS got it wrong. It had all our trust, and it threw it away {somewhere on Sussex Street, I presume}. So we continue trying to find our destination, on our own. Without technology. I’ve got 10 minutes to be where I need to go. We’re on one way streets which means why can’t where we need to go with speed. It’s peak hour traffic. All to the soundtrack of Lacey putting her window up and down, up and down.
I throw a tantrum to rival that of my two year old. I’m getting out, I’ll walk there! I can’t be late, I bellow.
My always calm husband puts his hand on my knee and says with an air of certainty, It’s okay, we’ll get there on time.

I continue to have my meltdown, willing lights to go green, cars to move and for Lacey to stop putting her window up and down, up and down.
Eventually we arrive. I’d planned to have enough time to change, and fix up my make-up, and at least compose myself… but instead I present myself the way I am, the frantic Mama.
I walk out of the lift and into the meeting room. Hi, I announce, I’m Chantelle, from Fat Mum Slim. Sorry I’m a bit late.

I grab an offered champagne and begin to relax, as I step into a whole new world.
{to be continued this afternoon}

18 thoughts on “A Whole New World.”

  1. Oh Goodness Goddess. My heart having palpitations for you. And needless to say, I am dying o read the next installment. xx

  2. Beautiful lady, you would never have known you had NOT fixed yourself up! You looked gorgeous, are gorgeous and I soooo enjoyed meeting you IRL! PS I went through the exact same thing on the way there, why are streets and their 'wayness' changed so often in the city..or is it that I just THINK they do 😉

  3. Oh oh oh – I have been dying to know what you and Sunny Stacey were up to last Tuesday night!! Sounds like you arrived like I arrive at most things!

  4. Oh between my boyfriends procrastination and him relying on the estimated time the GPS gives to arrive at a destination, I feel your pain, I think my heartbeat has increased while reading.
    Can't wait to read the next installment.

  5. OK, now I need to know.
    Doesnt anyone realise I have NO patience??
    Sounds like you are off on a fantastic new adventure!

  6. Oh I'm anxious for you! I hate being late with a passion, especially when I have an idea in my head as to how I want the whole thing to play out ie. Gloss stop at nearest facilities. So looking forward to the next instalment!

  7. Good old street directory. Boo for the GPS!! I'm glad my Miss M hasn't worked out how to get the window up and down, that would be very, very annoying.

  8. What next????????
    My blood pressure is up I think just reading this. I HATE being late. In fact, I am so worried about being late I am pathologically early. Always. I spend so much time just hanging around….waiting…..

  9. My GPS goes all weird in the city and leads me on a wild goose chase to my destination – it must get lots of interference. Drives me crazy! Anyhoo can't wait to hear more!!

  10. I think we have come close to divorce over our GPS. Or 'Karen' as we call her. She is the third person in our marriage. Sometimes Karen feels like helping us out, the next she is in bed with a hangover and can't be fagged getting her GPS signal right. One particular day she did actually lose it with us and kept on repeating the same request over and over. I could actually hear her voice rising.

    Although, when she works, life is wonderful!

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