A Maths Problem.

What do you get when you:

Add two weeks

Minus one public holiday

Add four kids

Add a little bubba

Minus some sanity

Add in a great big dash of chaos

What does that equal?

The solution is simple.


School is out and I’m in. The next two weeks are going to nothing short of hectic. We’ll be out and about all around Sydney. The days usually fly by and I get home and just crash. Miss L will be very entertained!

We had a lovely weekend. The sun was shining beautifully over us and Hubby was off work for the two days. Miss L was so happy and slept so well throughout the days. She is now sleeping in her cot for her sleeps, where before it was in my arms. She’s a good little girl.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to?

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